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Where: tags — Cathay Pacific Airways [x]

Cathay Pacific Airways

Your FlyerBonus points can be redeemed with an array of award air tickets on Cathay Pacific Airways' flights through or by contacting the FlyerBonus Member Service Centre on 1771 (a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of travel) FlyerBonus Members must contact FlyerBonus Customer Service*: Within Thailand: ...

Cathay Pacific Airways

... คะแนนสะสมจากรายการสะสมคะแนนจะไม่สามารถโอนระหว่างกันได้ To earn FlyerBonus points , simply present your FlyerBonus card when booking or checking-in with Cathay Pacific Airways . The number of points earned per sector will be based on the calculated mile distance between the applicable airports at a rate of 1 FlyerBonus point per mile flown with additional bonuses or discounts subject to the class of travel ...
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